Question about the book “Japanese for Busy People”

I’ve been on a Japanese study journey for a while now but since I’ve taken up extra work at my job, I’ve been slacking. I was thinking to pick up the book called Japanese for Busy People, but I was curious as to cohesive it actually is. I have Japanese for Dummies and it seems to cover a lot of material but it feels very scattered and therefore hard for me to maintain focus when reading it. Thanks in advance

  1. To add some context, I’ve really wanted to get into constructing my own sentences as I’ve been on this journey since around the summer of 2017. [Here is an example of my grammar level](—I’ve also been taking up hand writing Japanese a lot more lately. I’d really love to read up more on how to progress in these areas

  2. I started with “Japanese for young people” in high school and we wasted like 2 years on that series back in.. 2003-2005. In 2006, we moved to GENKI and then kept with it.

    Would suggest just starting with GENKI or MNN and doing the easy thing that lots of others do.

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