Court rejects residents’ call to halt Ikata nuclear reactor in Ehime

Court rejects residents’ call to halt Ikata nuclear reactor in Ehime

  1. I mean, considering how much radioactivity is released from mining coal and fossil fuels, the risk from nuclear plants is largely overblown. I also think that considering how much all these imports are taking a wrecking ball to economic growth and air quality in Japan – all in the face of imminent climate catastrophe, it’s probably a good idea to restart the plants until enough wind and solar is online to replace them.

  2. If you go nuclear, you don’t need wind and solar.

    Nuclear power has a capacity factor of 92%. Wind and solar top out at like 40%. Why would you go from a more efficient energy source to a less efficient energy source?

    Especially when wind and solar take orders of magnitude more land and mining of toxic materials to produce that lower capacity factor?

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