Highway bus tickets online only?

So i’m at komatsu station in ishikawa, and I’ve bought highway bus tickets to Tokyo from the bus office that used to be here, but now the office is gone and they’re telling me I have to book online for them

Is there anywhere I can just physically buy them from, maybe in kanazawa?


  1. Can’t help you find a physical store, but if the issue is payment method I know Willer Express lets you pay cash at Lawson, FamilyMart, and MiniStop. But you’re probably not going to be able to get a ticket for tonights bus if that’s what you’re aiming for. Shouldn’t be an issue getting on tomorrow nights bus though.

  2. Careful with using Loppi. It’s extremely easy to purchase using them but nearly impossible to get your money back without a struggle and a month wait. Loppi sucks.

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