Need a kanji dictionary that can find 比 based on its radicals. Tried, but no dice.

I’m reading a manga without furigana and while I know this kanji I’d rather not count on that being the case for future Jisho failures.

Edit: Turns out it’s its own radical, nevermind.

  1. 比 is its own radical though, 4 strokes.

    Jisho lists it just fine, never run into a problem with other searches by radical either

  2. i’d use a drawing interface and start practicing proper stroke order, it will make looking up characters much easier in the future

  3. If you have an Android, you can take a photo or screenshot and run it through Google lens. Also works in Google Memo, which you don’t specifically need an Android for

  4. You might want to try Pleco dictionary app for Android/iOS.

    Yes, it’s for Chinese and not Japanese, but one of its useful features is that it breaks down the kanji/hanzi by way more radicals than any other dictionary I’ve seen. It’s helped me find obscure kanji where all other dictionaries have failed many times.

    I know you already found the answer to your question, but Pleco is so damn handy sometimes.

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