English speakers from all walks of life will be faced with a difficult question, “Does he/she love me?” Do Japanese speakers face the same question or do they know if someone is romantically interested in them based on how people speak to or about them?

From my possibly(probably?) wrong understanding, a big difference between the English and Japanese languages is the levels of politeness. In Japanese, people speak differently depending on the person they are talking to, or talking about. Do people in Japan ever worry about whether or not someone they’re romantically interested in feels the same way about them, or do they know based on how people speak to or about them?

  1. You could rephrase this question to: do Japanese people experience human emotion?

    Yes, japanese speech patterns are more formalized than English ones. But it’s not like English speakers have no verbal differences in the way they express themselves to romantic partners. People, regardless of language, don’t always express their true feelings to others, so of course they question other people’s emotions.

  2. Obviously yes.

    In English you (should) speak to people with different levels of politeness anyway… if you go to a job interview you’re not gonna speak to the interviewer as if they’re your best mate

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