Are there rules on how strings of kanji are put together?

For example, for 排他的経済水域, I think you can say 排他的 な 経済 の 水域 and it would still make sense. What is preventing a phrase like 白い光の中 to become 白光中? More subtly, why is の needed in 世界の国防企業 or 預金保護の拡大検討? (Those phrases are from news articles)

1 comment
  1. 排他的経済水域 is a single noun. It refers to an exclusive economic zone.

    排他的 な 経済 の 水域 is a string of three nouns. “A zone that is economically exclusive” perhaps.

    This is just a matter of knowing vocabulary.

    白い光の中 is three words. 白光中 is not a word.

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