Brief questionnaire on Kanji


I am doing a survey in regards to the perception of foreign learners on the Japanese Kanji. The questionnaire has only ten questions and it will not take you more than 5-10 minutes to complete it.
It is available at this [link](

Thank you very much for your participation.

  1. Hey I’m interested in taking it but it requires being signed in with email. Any chance you can turn that off?

  2. Good god, these are bad questions.

    * ‘Average’ number of readings doesn’t matter. I’d say it’s 2, but some have only one, and some have many. The average number of meanings for a word in English won’t help anyone fully grasp ‘take’.
    * What a kanji represents *depends* on the kanji. *Some* are concrete things. *Some* are abstract. *Some* represent foreign words. But even if a majority happens to fall in any one of these categories, it honestly doesn’t matter.
    * What is your definition of ‘fully literate’? What does that mean?
    * None of the four kanji listed are particularly difficult to learn and remember outside of just not being familiar with kanji. What is the purpose of listing those four kanji specifically and no others?
    * Why does dividing into components *have* to be grouped with mnemonics?
    * Why would I do a ‘one-month intensive’ for learning kanji? I’m actually opposed to that method, because like all cram methods, it’s terrible for long-term memorisation (this is literally why SRS exists)
    * Radicals are not useless, but you shouldn’t be explicitly learning them either.

    I get that this is meant to be a ‘learner’s perception’ type deal, but a lot of the questions are stuff that most learners don’t often think about, don’t *need* to think about, and where the question itself seems to be missing the point.

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