Fresh IT Graduate moving to Japan with a Japanese Language School, how realistic is it finding work after language school?

Hey everyone, I’m a 22 year old IT student from the Philippines. I will be graduating this June with a bachelor’s degree in IT with a web and mobile specialization as well as a certification in ITPEC/JITSE. I’m planning to move to Japan during the January intake for some of the language schools I want to apply in.

The language school course I’ll be taking is probably going to be a year if available, while having part time jobs during my free time as student visas has a 28 hour per week to work. I’ll try my best to get a part-time job that’s IT related, but I’m open to anything during my studies.

That said, my main concern is after the one year of language school. Is it realistic for me to find a job (IT preferably) with a year old bachelor’s degree without any work experience (Apart from an internship in a startup)? I’m planning to find jobs that mainly accepts foreigners just to increase the chances a little bit.

I want to move to Japan while I’m still young. The opportunity is here, and I don’t want to risk losing it. Any advice?


EDIT1: I do plan passing at least N3 after graduating the language school.
EDIT2: Clarification about work experience.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Fresh IT Graduate moving to Japan with a Japanese Language School, how realistic is it finding work after language school?**

    Hey everyone, I’m a 22 year old IT student from the Philippines. I will be graduating this June with a bachelor’s degree in IT with a web and mobile specialization as well as a certification in ITPEC/JITSE. I’m planning to move to Japan during the January intake for some of the language schools I want to apply in.

    The language school course I’ll be taking is probably going to be a year if available, while having part time jobs during my free time as student visas has a 28 hour per week to work. I’ll try my best to get a part-time job that’s IT related, but I’m open to anything during my studies.

    That said, my main concern is after the one year of language school. Is it realistic for me to find a job (IT preferably) with a year old bachelor’s degree without any work experience? I’m planning to find jobs that mainly accepts foreigners just to increase the chances a little bit.

    I want to move to Japan while I’m still young. The opportunity is here, and I don’t want to risk losing it. Any advice?

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  2. Quite honestly? You will find it very very difficult. Put it this way: Why would a Japanese company, or any company in Japan for that matter, hire someone with primary school level Japanese with 0 industry experience when they can hire a native Japanese graduate? By all means, go to Japan to study the language if you want to, but it would be better for you to go home after that, get a few years experience in your home country, and then apply for positions.

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