Is it just me or…

Is anyone else too warm?? My colleagues keep saying “Aren’t you cold??”because I’m just wearing a shirt. I tell them no because 1) it’s 93% humidity and 2) in the office the a/c is set to 28 degrees. They say “ohh you’re so strong!” I don’t think I’m insane for not being cold when it’s so humid – how do you guys feel??

  1. It’s hot. I’m melting (sometimes). People say the same to my brother and I

  2. I generally enjoy living here, but this might be my #1 complaint. There’s a fundamental aversion to anything that’s slightly outside people’s comfort zones, especially when it comes to temperature, but definitely not limited to that.

    AC set to very hot in winter, very cold in summer.

    Walking anywhere that’s farther than 10-15min is met with へーーーー!as if you’re clinically insane.

    Regular exercise, and god forbid strength training, which is proven to be one of the best things you could do for your health as you age, is only for the ストイック and the マッチョ.

    I could go on.

  3. I get this kind of thing all the time. To be fair I have a higher cold tolerance than most in general and dress cooler even in the winter, but when the weather got warm and people kept commenting I realized something was up 😂

  4. It appears that, here, a lot of people dress according to the calendar rather than the observable weather.

  5. It may be more of a cultural thing. My husband has this thing for seasonal clothing. Shorts and short-sleeved shirts are not allowed in the fall or winter regardless of the actual weather conditions.

  6. You are not alone. I used get strange looks in Hokkaido because I would only wear a long sleeve shirt when inside in winter (shopping malls, government buildings, etc.), but the buildings are tropical. Here in Tokyo, at best, for most of the year, we only need a sweater or light or medium weight jacket when outside; inside in public buildings, I wear short sleeves because they keep it tropical. Except supermarkets in winter—freezing, where I do wear my Hokkaido winter jacket and boots to keep my feet warm.

  7. White people have a higher average body temperature than Japanese people tend to. This might be why you’re warmer than everyone else.

  8. One of the reasons I just can’t hack it in offices anymore. Got mine on 18° and that’s more than enough.

  9. In the past I weighed a lot more than I do now, after loosing my beer gut I found myself still warm but not as uncomfortable as I was when I was 260+lbs

  10. Nothing beats doing cardio at the gym with the heater on max blowing Sahara desert air on you

    Close second is any clinic’s waiting rooms at 50 degree celsius.

  11. Just got here recently and was blown away how sweaty I’m getting. Like pouring sweat in restaurants with hot served food. Was eating ramen and surprised how everyone around me wasn’t even breaking a sweat slurping down bowls in 5mins.

  12. I had a colleague that kept being told this. He learned that “aren’t you cold?” was code for “we can see your nipples under your dress shirt— so you should wear an undershirt.” Are you sure that they are not trying to give you some kind of hint?

  13. I think Japanese people are more accustomed to warmer weather so when it’s hot, it’s actually not so hot for them. I can’t understand that , I think they all crazy 😂😂

  14. Everyone is so skinny, they feel cold all the time. Its real. I lost a ton of weight this past year, and I feel colder more often than before. But 28c is a hot temp. They are just crazy.

  15. The worst for me is how overly heated and air conditioned everything is throughout the year. I dress for the weather and then board the train to feel like my calves are burning because they set the floor heaters to broil. Wear cool biz and end up having to put bandaids over my nipples to prevent protruding because they set the air conditioning to polar.

  16. Same as my office… it’s set to around 28 degrees… thankfully we have ice cubes in the pantry which I use to drink ice water to cool down

  17. I was just going to make a thread about this cause I’M REALLY FUCKING SICK OF HAVING TO STRIP DOWN TO MY T SHIRT AND CARRY MY JACKET EVERY TIME I GO INSIDE. I’m skinny as fuck so weight has nothing to do with it, christsakes.

    The polar indoor temperatures in summer are more than welcome, though.

  18. Over the years I have acclimated to the weather here. So while I have more cold tolerance than the Japanese, I can tolerate their preferences better. My first year here I would blast the AC in the summer and my students would nearly freeze to death.

  19. People comment on me like I’m crazy for wearing a t-shirt year round but like, dude, the office temperature is 27 degrees no matter what time of year it is.

  20. Nah no worries some people are just lizards that need warmer temperatures to function. 28 degrees with that much humidity is really warm to be honest.

  21. Office AC 28 is clearly too hot even during mid-winter. But, for typical Japanese people, the current outside temperature is still too cold to go without light coats, sweaters, or fleece jackets, except during the noon of a shiny day. As a Japanese, I feel that many Westerners are much more tolerant of the cold than we are, which can sometimes seem strange or funny. For example, seeing a white guy wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and shorts in December is almost like a meme of crazy Westerners in Japan lol

  22. I heard that a few times my first year and ended up finding out it was code for cool biz hasn’t started yet so you’re not supposed to be wearing short sleeves yet.

  23. I’m infinitely sweating here. I prefer it to be 17 degrees inside but i may be considered a bit crazy for that.

  24. I think if you’re from Europe in particular the temperature norms here are way different. Not to mention that lots of people here have poorer blood circulation (thus poorer heat generation for their own body). Tho of course city folk deal with it worse than people in the countryside IMO.

    Though really everywhere in the world there are people whose temperature comfort levels doesn’t match the people around them. Just here people assume it’s some weird Japanese thing rather than it being a “people” thing

  25. I am from southeast asia and i am telling u it is hot. Stopped wearing heatteach and it’s still warm.

  26. In my observations, people here fear cold and flu more than in other countries. Apparently, it’s popular believe that low body temperature cause you to catch flu easier. I don’t know if that is scientifically true though.

  27. Hm, I am still cold. On the other hand I usually deal with summer temps with no problem. Lived long time in the tropics, then long time in the subtropics of Australia.

  28. Dude. I feel this. The rain did lower the temp a bit but still humidity was fuckin’ ridiculous. Yet my office *insisted* that they set the office temp to 28c with windows all closed. It was so hot in office today (especially with the lack of air circulation) I took off my cardigan and the first thing my coworker next to me said, “I guess it’s true foreigners don’t like the heat (やっぱ外国人は暑いの苦手なんだね)”.

    First off, what. And second, I told you (coworker) many times to stop lumping all foreigners together! Third, how the hell are *you* not hot in here!!?

  29. My biggest complaint besides the trains are my yoga class. Literally, me and a few other people are dripping sweat because it’s hot af in the room, but because one or two girls says they are cold, the teacher keeps the heat on the whole time. It’s not even a hot yoga class.

  30. Would you happen to be white? I think it’s fairly common knowledge in Japan that Caucasians are more sensitive to heat and less sensitive to cold that Japanese people are.

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