Kind of silly, but I had a ‘It makes sense moment’ today

So i’ve been doing my best to study and learn Japanese for the past 3ish months, doing some lessons on various apps and services every day, along with just trying to read, speak, and use Japanese. Suffice to say with only 3 months of learning I don’t know a tonne, I can read both カタカナ and ひらがな pretty well (not super fast but fast enough to read most subtitles on shows and such) and earlier today I had a moment where things kind of clicked! My husband sent me an [anime done for Resident Evil 4]( and each episode of it is short and simple and I was able to actually watch the episodes and (largely) understand without need for English subtitles!

I would also love similar style things if anyone knows of any resources, small simple shows or clips that can be useful on learning.


1 comment
  1. When I watch Anime with Japanese sub titles on my tablet, sometimes I will pause the show on vocabulary I do not know and then use Google lense on my phone to screen grab the text from the show and throw it in the translator. It translates the entire sentence and ads the associated hiragana, allowing me to soak more vocabulary and kanji in a less dry way than flash cards.

    If you have a tablet/computer/other device that you can consume media on, you can use your phone to do the same.

    Great way to increase your reading speed too!

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