whats a good PR strategy for me and my girlfriend?

We are both foreigners, however im from a rich western country, im on a 5 year highly skilled visa, high salary etc and i believe my chances of getting a PR is quite high.

My gf is from a poor country, and doesnt look as good “on paper” despite being in japan for 10 years.

We’ve both reached a stage where both of us qualify to apply, but i wonder what is the best strategy here>

1. Both apply same time individually and hope that both of us gets it
2. i apply first, since i think i have the highest chance of getting it. Then we apply for her after we’ve gotten married later this year. At that time she would also be married to a person with PR which would increase her chances additionally?
3. we do 1 first, and if she fails we apply again after we’re married and i have PR

In my laymans knowledge, 2 would increase her chances if shes married to a person with PR, am I right? are there any cons for her to apply as my wife when i have PR vs applying individually?

regarding option 3, if she gets rejected can we try again when we’re married an i have PR? Or if youre rejected once do you have to wait a long time to apply again or how does it work?

  1. You mentioned you’ve got a 5 year visa. But not mentioned her visa.

    She needs to be on a 3/5 year visa to even apply. So regardless if you get married or not she needs to have a 3/5 year visa, whether it be work visa, dependent visa, or spouse of PR visa.

    If she has 3/5 year visa now, and she’s been in Japan for a consecutive 10 years, then just apply now. Her country or citizenship won’t affect that, just her ability to provide a sustainable living in Japan and contributions to Japan will.

  2. You apply and get PR and the two of you get married. I don’t think it matters too much what order you do this in but you might want to spend a little money on an immigration lawyer to ask their opinion.

    Once you have PR and you’re married, she qualifies for a “[Spouse of permanent resident](https://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/visa/long/visa11.html)” visa. This gives her the same (almost) unlimited working rights as a spouse of a Japanese national. [Source](https://jsite.mhlw.go.jp/tokyo-foreigner/english/seekers_1/spec/spec_1a.html).

    At some future point, maybe once you guys are settled into married life and have a house or something, she can apply for PR.

  3. If she clearly qualifies, she should apply. If you clearly qualify, you should apply. Waiting is risky. Don’t overthink the immigration office staff, unless you have access to secret data that the rest of us don’t.

  4. If she has been here ten years, is up to date on tax and pension payments and meets the other criteria, she should apply. Plenty of less shiny people get PR this way, myself included.

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