Vitamin deficiencies from changing diet?

Has anyone had any issues with this? I was just in Japan for 3 months and my body felt a little off while I was there, and I think it might be due to a vitamin D deficiency. I arrived in the winter so had a hoody and jeans almost the entirety of the trip. Would have moments where I felt a little dizzy and thought it might have been due to seismic activity. Towards the end of my trip I found myself drinking nearly a liter of milk a day. Looking back I think my body was/is craving that vitamin. My body was probably already low on vitamin D, but I think my diet just sent it completely over the edge.

Im going to consult my doctor, but wanted to see if anyone had a shared experience. Never in my life have I had this little dairy, meat and nuts. I like fish, but I wasn’t exactly eating mackerel everyday and would occasionally have a spicy cod roe onigiri from the konbini or sushi. The thing about my diet that I remember thinking the most about was the amount of protein I was getting and coincidentally, foods that are high in protein are usually high in vitamin D. Also lost about 10lbs, so my diet and lifestyle was pretty different.

  1. You don’t need that much vitamin D to be healthy, and you were probably spending more time outside walking around than you normally do, so you were probably getting plenty of it.

    Not feeling well could be from a million different things. Go to a doctor and get checked out, but I wouldn’t go in thinking that it’s necessarily vitamins, or even anything necessarily related to Japan

  2. Japanese milk is usually not supplemented with vitamin D. Traditionally, they’d get vitamin D from cold water fish and sun-dried shiitake mushrooms.

    Are you getting enough water? Walking a little beyond your limits? Not good to mess with dizziness. You should have seen a doctor and eliminated the testable stuff.

  3. You can get enough D from the sun here, even in winter unless your way up north.
    But iron and calcium aren’t that big of a part of the typical Japanese diet, so keep on drinking that milk and eat some oatmeal/ liver/ chickpeas etc.
    And get checked out by a doctor.

  4. Could be a mineral imbalance.

    Salt / sodium, magnesium, potassium

    Japanese food will probably give you enough salt, the other minerals could be problematic.

  5. Can’t say it’s the same condition but after a few years living in Japan I consulted a doctor and found out I was iron deficient

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