I made a mobile style flick-input Japanese keyboard for my numpad!

[And you can try it if you want!](https://github.com/spotless-developer/japanesekeyboardV1) If you have a windows computer that is.

I’ve long been struggling with writing in Japanese on my Swedish keyboard, and I didn’t really like the input methods I could get natively from windows. However I found the [keyboard I could get on my smartphone](https://imgur.com/a/1tOYlEh) was very easy to both understand and use. So I thought: “The numpad’s layout looks quite similar, maybe I can use it as that kind of keyboard?”. However I didn’t find anything like that on the internet, so I made my own as an Autohotkey script.

[It looks like this](https://i.imgur.com/oeFZ3kp.jpeg) and can write both hiragana and katakana, some dakuten and han-dakuten, along with 0-10 in kanji. However it can’t write other kanji yet and that’s also part of why I’m posting here, to see if any of you have any good software I can combine with my keyboard to write kanji also.

I would love to hear your thoughts on it and if you can give me any suggestions for how I can improve it further I would love to hear that too!

  1. Great idea! I’ll give this a try, but may need to port it to AutoIt because that’s what I use for some of my Japanese scripts.

    Thanks for contributing your code to everyone else for the sake of Japanese learning! I love this kind of stuff and it’s fun seeing what others come up with

  2. You could buy 5way switches and build your own physical keypad that can actually use the directions instead of having to press the same button repeatedly.

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