What does the word that sounds like ”rrrroh!” mean?

I hear this all the time in Japanese films. Especially the ones with a lot of profanity so i assumed it was a swear word. Recently i realized i’ve heard the same word being spoken in situations where it doesn’t make sense…. so.. what does this actually mean? Is it not even a real word but more a way of expressing emotion or giving ”strength” to a certain statement or sentence?

I feel like every Yakuza character in a Takashi Miike film angrily screams NANDAYAAA ROHHH a hundred times a minute and it’s bugging me out that i can’t seem to find anything about it on the internet. Probably because i don’t know how to spell the actual word lol!

  1. なんだあんにゃろ or something like that, judging solely by your attempted transcription.

  2. “Yamero” is a rude/aggressive form of the imperative “yamete”. “Kono yaro” is like “This asshole”. In a lot of cases, it *doesn’t* mean something specific, it’s just a rude/aggressive form of speech used as an affectation in rude/aggressive/Yakuza type characters. The same way a lot of hyper feminine characters might frequently use wa and ne at the end of their sentences.

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