New part time job, and I got covid. What do I tell my boss?

Hey y’all, I’m in a bit of a predicament!

I have what I think is covid (Lost my sense of smell after having a stuffy nose and sore throat), and unfortunately I have 3 days of work in my second week coming up on Monday.

The only contact information I have is his email. On top of that, I’m really rather embarrassed about this, hoping I won’t lose my job etc etc. During the hiring process I asked something that got misconstrued (because of my poor Japanese) as “do you tell someone when you need a day off” or something along the lines of that — and he said if I feel sick to of course contact him the day before etc etc

Anyway, I’m freaking out a little bit. I can’t take a test until tomorrow, get results until the day I work, I have plans throughout next weekend and the week after, etc etc

If anyone has any advice, or maybe even just some words of encouragement, I’d really appreciate it! This is my first job in Japan and I really need the work, and honestly I just don’t want to make a scene and be an embarrassment

  1. If you think you have Covid, let him know you are going to stay home. Spreading it around because you’re scared to miss work is irresponsible.

  2. IYes, it will seem unprofessional to miss you first days of work, but that can be forgiven.

    Coming to work with COVID would be more unprofessional and unforgivable.

    Message your new boss immediately with your symptoms and then later the test result. Get better. Come to work after you heal up very prepared to show your professionalism.

  3. > I can’t take a test until tomorrow, get results until the day I work

    You can buy at home tests at most drug stores that give you results in 15 minutes.

  4. What kind of part time job? They won’t fire you for being sick. It’s a bad timing that you just started, but you will get well and start working and everyone will forget about it. You have plenty opportunities to build a good relationship with you boss and co-workers after that

  5. This is one of those moments where you gotta be an adult and take responsibility.

    Call him, explain what’s happening and apologize. There’s no other way.

    Yes, he’ll definitely be pissed (probably won’t show it) and it is embarrassing. But it is what it is.

    Do this after getting one of those quick tests to confirm it’s Covid though

  6. I got covid on the 4th day of my new job, confirmed by rapid test at home and also the fact I couldn’t stand up and had a fever of 40. I called and apologised and said I had covid, they then instructed me to stay off of work for 7 days and asked if I needed help contacting a doctor. That was it. Covid is not your fault, and despite minimisation practices sometimes you just get it like I did. If you went to work with it there is a very high chance you’ll infect a lot of people there and your boss will understand this. So just contact, let them know, apologise, and take it easy until your symptoms have gone – there isn’t much else you can do despite the frustration about it. Rest up and go back ready to work!

  7. As a manager at my place, I can tell you that it is not a surprise if someone gets sick. Tell your boss you got sick, have symptoms and will go to a clinic. If your test is already possible let them know as soon as possible; if you were at work there is a chance others might get it too. They have to put up a notice to customers too to inform them that one of the staff got sick. Take the time and rest, no need to feel bad about it. The worst would be that you are pushing yourself at work and get the fever inside and then tell everyone you had symptoms but were too afraid to say anything. These days that just comes off as irresponsible towards other people’s health. Wish you the best and hope you feel well soon!

    Edit: As someone has posted here, you can go to a drug store to get the pcr test kit. I would recommend this since it will save you a lot of time (on your covid vacation week! )

  8. Call your boss to tell you think you have covid, are going to get tested tomorrow, that you’re embarrassed and sorry about the situation and you’ll be fine.

  9. None expects you to perform the first days, so its better to contact your boss. He probably wont mind, and if he does hes an irresponsible person which you cannot truth.

    But almost for sure he will just let you rest and start on another day just to be safe.

  10. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. (But you should tell your boss you’re embarrassed anyway, because Japan. Then *he’ll* tell you there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.) We’re in a pandemic, and your boss is probably used to this. You may not even have to miss your plans for next weekend if you’re feeling better and you mask up. But take it slowly, one thing at a time. Contact the boss, then rest and recover.

  11. What you might have is a run of the mill cold, in which case you still have to go to work. Having a cold doesn’t exempt you from your responsibilities.

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