Japanese subtitles or no subtitles at all?

So i have just decided i wanna watch a kids show (probably doraemon or pokemon as those are my childhood) so that i can learn vocabulary a bit more naturally. Im just wondering if i should watch them with japanese subtitles or just raw. I guess it might depend on my overall objectives of learning but those are basically just “learn japanese” lol. Also in terms of kanji i have learned basically all of n5/4 and about half of n3, while my grammar is very much behind that as i have just finished most of the n5 content, so maybe its not even the true right time to consume pure japanese media, but i still wanna try it out for a bit as despite my kanji compreension not being bad per se, i still think my vocabulary is still fairly poor.

  1. with sub is the way for me it also helps me to read japanese faster while also learning the kanji (if the subtitles provide kanji, kids shows tends to just write them in hiragana)

  2. Try both, see what works best. With subs on, you may focus more on reading. With subs off, you may focus more on your ears and associating the speech with the actions on the screen.

  3. You’ll probably want to start with subtitles, but I would try watching without as well. I feel like subtitles are often a crutch for me since my reading comprehension is better than my listening comprehension. Try one episode with subtitles on, then repeat without!

  4. With subs I think it’s the best “overall” in terms of language learning

    No subs works best for listening practice

    Generally I would go with subtitles on since it also makes it very easy to look up unknown words and kanji

  5. I’m roughly in the same boat as you. I’ve been thinking about it and I honestly think watching an episode with Japanese subtitles first and then watching it again without might be the best way.

  6. For learning vocab, Japanese subs will absolutely help. Though once you decide to train listening comprehension, you’ll want to take those away as well.

  7. Thanks for everyone who responded! I have decided that ill start with subs as my main focus right now is learning more vocabulary and with subs seems to be the best way to do it. Plus i get some reading speed from it too which is something i also think i lacked a bit. When i finally deside that its time to train a bit of listening compreension then ill try some without subs! Thanks a ton for the sugestions.

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