suggestions for improvement

Since Jet provides no feedback what are some suggestions that you think might help others to get back up and try again?

  1. 90% of the issues I’ve seen gave poor motivation for “why JET” and/or didn’t answer the prompts fully.

  2. If you’re not accepted for an interview, it is likely your SOP.

    Were your motivations clear? Were you overly generic? Did you show them what skills you bring?

    Don’t feel too bad. Keep pushing on with your life and keep JET in the back of your mind. Give yourself some time to think it over, solidify your goals and apply again!

  3. I’d agree with the SoP being a let down. The guide literally gives an outline of what to answer.

    I dedicated a paragraph each to:
    1.we want to know why you want to participate on the Programme; (I included basicallly a who am I)
    2.why you are interested in the role; what you can contribute; and how your attributes, skills, knowledge, experience, and qualifications will ensure success in the role. (Maybe two paragraphs for this section).
    3. we want to know what outcomes you expect to obtain by participating in the JET Programme
    4. how you can contribute to Japan and Australia’s (whatever you country is) relationship

    This is the bare minimum your SoP should address. These are directly from the Australian guideline.

    Also because we can’t see the reference letters, I had sat down with mine and made sure they understood what JET was and how it was applicable to me. My references where both from a workplace that had ZERO to do with Japan or teaching so it was important they also understood how to address the critical point in the reference letters. I don’t persoanlly believe a generic reference letter that is just “good worker, on time” is enough. They should be addressing JET specifically and how you as a person/worker is suitable to be an ALT or CIR.

    Best of luck to everyone next year, theres a limited number of spots so dont feel bad. And good luck with the interviews to everyone else.

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