Welp Cobb vs Omega is official on Dynamite.

Welp Cobb vs Omega is official on Dynamite.

  1. It took three months to book Kenny’s first title defence and New Japan didn’t even get the match, lmao.

  2. New Japan absolutely screwed over by this match happening on a random Dynamite after it was set up at NYD and built single handedly by Cobb throughout the NJC tour. This match was big enough for Sakura Genesis or one of the two NJPW US shows next month. AEW really do rinse New Japan in this relationship which is annoying as a fan of both. I want more omega matches in Japan and more AEW talent on NJPW shows IN JAPAN. This match won’t be as good getting 15 mins with ads in front of an American crowd who don’t know Cobb.

  3. what the fuck is this bullshit

    Id understand if it was on like ROH Supercard of Honor, or even Battle of the Belts if it was a live special.

    But a random fucking dynamite?

  4. Lmao man I wish Cobb fucking squashes him and then NJPW stops doing these outsiders being champions shit ever again, but it’s too much to ask

  5. okada won heavyweight title at WK and has defended twice

    hiromu won junior title at WK and has defended twice

    tama won never title at WK and has defended once

    zsj won TV title at WK and has defended thrice

    how much has kenny built up this match btw noooooooone at all

    jeffery cobb is a toxic elitist tribalist gatekeeper

  6. For all this talk from Tony about WWE not playing nice with him, he certainly doesn’t seem to take issue with doing the same to NJPW.

  7. New Japan fans just embarrassing themselves on this thread. Y’all should be ashamed.

  8. Will be accepting apologies from all the people who said don’t worry, Omega will be defending the title at Sakura Genesis, Dontaku, or one of the NJoA shows.

    Omega beating Ospreay is a lock for worst booking decision of the year and we’re not even in April yet.

  9. I don’t understand all the hate in this thread tbh. Njpw wants more exposure in north America and what better way to do it than to showcase their title and one of their wrestlers on TV.
    Everyone acts like Tony khan controls everything in the aew/njpw relationship which is just plain stupid to think.
    Njpw knows how to do business and I’m sure this is something both sides agreed on.
    This match will probably be the first step for forbidden door storylines.
    Also for those saying “random Dynamite” aew puts big matches on Dynamite almost all the time.
    One more thing even with impact it’s always njpw guys showing up on impact, just like how it works with aew.

  10. Hasn’t Cobb been talking about showing up to AEW to challenge Omega for a while now? Why is it surprising the match is at an AEW show?

  11. Wrestling on a wrestling show. Let’s all cry about it. “bUt WhEReS ThE St0RY!!!!?!?!?!?”

  12. I was assuming we were gonna get this at a njpw show but atleast were finally getting It, hopefully more defenses keep coming for kenny and it this isn’t his only belt defense until he loses it.

  13. … And someone just sent me a Reddit Cares message because I had the nerve to say I was excited about this match. I cannot believe what this sub has turned into. See ya.

  14. It’s very weird he isn’t coming out with the belt, yet is going to defend it? Just weird lol

  15. As long as the match shows up on World immediately much like the RoH and IMPACT matches, then it doesn’t matter.

  16. Niceeeeeeeeee 👍

    The Omega singles showcase continues! More of the best bout machine! No complaints here

  17. This sub, 3 days ago: “Kenny doesn’t do enough to promote the IWGP US Championship on Dynamite.”
    This sub, today: “HOW DARE this match take place on Dynamite!”

    It’s almost satire at this point.

  18. That means Cobb is definitely losing.

    Genuine question because I haven’t been able to watch in awhile but: has any NJPW wrestler won on an AEW show yet?

    I don’t think that I’ve ever seen it happen.

  19. I just want to see the IWGP US title defended in NJPW is that so much to ask?

    On the same note, I want to see Kenny wrestle in Japan.

  20. This sub is full of the biggest crybabies I’ve ever seen Jesus. It’s insufferable at this point.

  21. Just one of the reasons why I didn’t want NJPW partnering with AEW. Happy the NEVER has gotten more time but it’s FTR with the tags all over again

  22. I think my biggest pet peeve with AEW and NJPW partnership is AEW getting the greater end out of this. I think what bothered me the most about Forbidden Door was Ospreay needing help from Aussie Open to beat Orange Cassidy. As far as all the NJPW I’ve watched, I don’t remember United Empire interfering when the opponent was wrestling clean.

  23. On a show that people can watch for free on TV?! Man, no wonder this sub hates this.

  24. So it happened again. AEW fanboys coming here to say we’re all gatekeepers. It’s like they expect everyone to like AEW by default.
    Well, I guess at least he’ll finally defend the belt but that’s not going to make me watch AEW. Cobb vs Omega was supposed to be a thing since New Years Dash, it took more than 3 months to finally book this match that Cobb had to try to build up on his own in NJPW shows, and it’s not even happening in NJPW.

    I wonder why some NJPW fans wouldn’t like that lol. I wonder why they think it’d be better to make this match for a NJPW belt happen in a NJPW show, without ads, with enough time, and in front of a crowd who knows and loves both guys. Truly a mystery. They’re just gatekeepers anyway !

    And it’s not like Tony Khan couldn’t book another random singles match for Kenny on Dynamite. I doubt an IWGP US title match suddenly announced for Dynamite will make a difference in the ratings.

  25. It’s finally happening. It took too long, and it should have happened on a NJPW show, but at least it’s finally happening.

    My guess is NJPW management doesn’t care that this defense is not happening on their show because:

    1. They value Kenny more than the US Belt (see Jon Moxley in 2020).
    2. The match is relatively low stakes with a predictable winner.
    3. Kenny’s title reign (in pure Japanese Yen terms) already paid for itself when WK17 lead to record NJPW World subscriptions.

    With that said, I can’t help but feel a bit upset that it’s happening on Dynamite. Not because it’s bad business for NJPW (it is good business to some degree) or because a NJPW talent is going to lose on TV (AEW is generally good at making outsiders look good in defeat).

    I’m upset because NJPW fans are the ones looking forward to this match for months, but the match will instead end up on a show where a large percentage of the fans *don’t* want to see it (aka the anti-crossover fans). We know this match would do gangbusters in Japan, but this same match might be a ratings dip in the US, as Nielsen ratings have historically been unkind to crossover matches. The idea that NJPW fans are losing out on a match that many Western wrestling fans will bitch and moan about “wasting time on TV”, or worse use as cannon fodder for the “AEW is Dying” argument, that makes me upset.

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