Weekly Weekend Thread – 27 March 2023

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. Completed a coding test for a company. Supposed to only spend around 1 hour on it but got a bit carried away and spent 6-7 hours. If I get this job I can double my pay so the extra effort felt well worth it.

  2. I didn’t go out because of the rain and my lack of rain-proof transport other than to pick up my long coat that I took in for alterations during a break in the clouds.

    The exciting thing was that after a year of trying to get a PS5, I finally got an Amazon invite for the Horizon Bundle PS5 Disc version. I pulled the trigger on that even though I’ve already accumulated to many large items. I haven’t even played the first Horizon game, so I need to catch up. Same with God of War. I’m mostly excited for FFXVI and FFVII Rebirth.

  3. Completed my first goshuin book and started on my second, signed up for the N1, finished my translation/interpretation course, bought enough ingredients to make curry and have left overs a few times this week for lunch.

  4. Took our niece out for a fancy(ish) lunch to celebrate her finishing elementary school / junior high school entry tests. Followed lunch with a ride on the Ferris wheel and shopping for books. Some top class uncling if I do say so myself.

  5. Both inlaws visited, first time in a long time. Lots of fun, but two young kids stuck inside on a rainy day after they leave?

    Well, raincoat, umbrella, and rubber boots on the oldest while mom and the little one naps? A deserted public amphitheater due to the weather.

    Sing, sing, sing. It’s literally a place for that, and all for us today.

    (And no responsible adult renews their train pass on a Monday, late month Monday morning.)

  6. My wife has an event Saturday that I went to. After, we went for all-you-can-eat yakiniku (a first for me and certainly not the last). Went out for drinks with some old friends after.

    Sunday was just lazing around the house and catching up on sleep, but in the evening I started having a slight tickle in my throat and a cough. Throat feels mostly better this morning, but still have the cough. Here’s hoping it’s just allergies.

  7. Played session 1 of the Root RPG with some friends at our monthly get-together. Had a really nice time with that. Besides that I mostly just played Hogwarts Legacy.

  8. Started painting miniatures again this weekend and nipped to a local hobby shop and it seems the price of everything; brushes, sprays, acrylics has jumped a good 20%.

    I was on a break for about half a year and everthing just jumped. I use a lot of imported stuff (Citadel contrast paints, STC brushes, Vallejo model colour) so I presume this is largely down to the price of shipping at the moment. That said, these things never come back down after having gone up, right?

  9. We took a pleasant drive down the coastline of southern Kyushu in my husband’s new car despite the rainy weather, ate some good food, bought some interesting bottles of shochu, and returned home to our eagerly awaiting dogs.

  10. Did the final walkthrough on our new house. We hired an expensive home inspector and dude was worth every yennie of the 120,000 yen we paid him. The structural build is extremely high quality, but the house had plenty of problems with finishing including things like incomplete insulation. The inspector told the builder what to fix on our behalf and produced a very detailed documentation of the house’s current state and problems with photo evidence.

  11. Despite the rain I went to the 田舎 town where I used to live and met up with my bestest friends and I was so happy to spend time with them and see the mountains again.
    I wish I were back there sometimes.

  12. Two great friends from overseas visited this weekend, when the first one left the other arrived I’m sleep deprived now but it’s so good to see them. Fingers crossed for Hanami this week, rain has been pretty consistent…

  13. Went to a live show. I’d only seen the band at a multi-act event but i really like their music, so i decided i’d treat myself to a cheap ticket before *sigh* i start my job and will inevitably have to miss out on a bunch of shows. Yesterday’s show was great, i headbanged so much my back is killing me.

    Anyway there was a family of four next to me with 2 parents and 2 kids around elementary age. They all looked like they were having a good time. The dad in particular was a serious headbanger. He reminded me of my husband, same haircut, same tone of voice, around the same height.

    I told my husband about it when i got home and he said ‘looks like thats where our lives are headed’. (paraphrased) i have never wanted or even liked children but seeing kids at live shows gives me sucha fuzzy feeling inside. If only i had nieces or nephews…

  14. Took a four-day trip to Okinawa, just me and my son. Great weather most of the time, chill beach/pool times, and plenty of dumb, touristy stuff. Met an American at Naha airport who was enroute Osaka for the punkfest show feat. Bad Religion and My Chemical Romance. Chilled at home back here in the Kantoh on drizzly Sunday.

  15. Discovered that conbini printers have raised prices. I have a printer so I haven’t used one of those for a while, but it was an emergency and boy was I surprised the prices have doubled

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