Bicycle umbrella holders

I remember I was in Japan in 2018 and you could find umbrella holders for your bicycle everywhere, now I can only find them on amazon.
Are they illegal now? Just want to make sure before I buy one.

I’m talking about the ones that hold you umbrella open while you’re biking so you dont have to hold the umbrella with one hand, like this:

  1. they’re illegal


    > What if you could attach an umbrella to your bicycle so that you could use both hands to drive it? Some people may think so.
    It is true that such goods are sold.

    >However, the fact is that driving with such goods is often illegal according to the regulations of the Public Safety Commission of the area where you live.
    Some prefectures simply prohibit riding a bicycle with an umbrella fixed to the vehicle body, and like Tokyo, goods that hold umbrellas are regarded as illegal “loads” and are regulated.


    > For example, in the case of Tokyo, riding a bicycle with an umbrella is prohibited under Article 8, Item 3 of the Tokyo Metropolitan Road Traffic Regulations established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission.

    >Furthermore, for example, in my hometown of Mie Prefecture, Article 16, Item 1 of the Detailed Regulations for Enforcement of the Mie Prefectural Road Traffic Act established by the Mie Prefectural Public Safety Commission stipulates that riding a bicycle with an umbrella is prohibited, even if it is fixed to the vehicle. is prohibited.

    >Then, in the case of Tokyo, driving with a fixed umbrella is not prohibited, but it is regulated by another regulation.

    >In other words, a fixed umbrella is treated as a load on a bicycle, but the length and width of the load must be up to about 30 cm, and the height of the top end of the load must be up to 2 m from the ground. As a result, almost all umbrellas exceed the limit, so fixed umbrellas are basically illegal.

    (They could also argue it obstructs vision)

    A raincoat would be the safer purchase. I don’t even see how a fixed umbrella like that would keep you very dry in most situations, a slight breeze or going even remotely fast would make wind blow rain into you anyway

  2. It’s funny how it is illegal but literally everyone I see that cycles on a rainy day do this. Never change, Japan… never change.

    Also I’ve been stopped too for it, got off with only a warning. The police did see my residence card though.

  3. Putting aside the legality, it’s dangerous. Especially with the wind it could blow the umbrella. And if you think about it, it doesn’t really work to keep you dry since rain often comes from different directions too. Just spend your money on a good raincoat that’s 100% guaranteed.

  4. From [Rules and Penalties on Riding Bicycle]( (by the Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters, Traffic Planning Division):

    ***Riding holding an open umbrella***

    *Fine of up to 50,000 yen*

    *You must not ride a bicycle holding an open umbrella, except on scarce traffic road.(according to Kyoto Prefecture Road Traffic Regulations)*

    ***Riding with an open umbrella fixed to bicycle body***

    *could be taken as a violation of Road Traffic Law. Strong wind and intensive rain fall may cause you lose balance and vision.*


    I’m not sure if something [like this]( would be allowed; but it could be murky when the new bicycle helmet laws come into effect from this weekend.

  5. I tried this before and it didn’t work. I ended up buying a poncho and never look back. It is stable, cover my entire body including my backpack and basket, and protect me against wind, rain, and snow.

    Also I can just fold and put it in the basket when not used.

    I ride bicycle everyday including rainy and snowy day and this poncho is perfect.

  6. Just buy a poncho or raincoat, riding a bike with an umbrella is incredibly stupid…
    You are literally holding a sail at the wind’s mercy.

  7. It’s illegal but it’s ok like unfasten kids standing and playing in car I can give you a bunch of example like this

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