Hi, I can’t seem to find any proper answers or direct information on this matter.
So context: I currently have an Associate’s in IT and will either pursue a Bachelors in Game Art or Information Systems/Japanese Studies. Atm, I am studying for my A+, and once I get A+ certified I plan on getting the Server+, Networking+, and maybe Sec+ depending on how I feel.
I plan on moving to Japan to study at Tokyo Communication Arts Votech College, but will need some kind of job for income. Hence my IT background.
What I cannot find is are COMPTIA certifications valid and accepted in Japan? On COMPTIA’s website, [it says here:](https://www.comptia.org/faq/a/how-long-does-the-a-certification-last#:)
>CompTIA A+ belongs to a group of certifications with **globally recognized International Organization for Standardization** and the American National Standards Institute (ISO/ANSI) accreditation status.
However, I cannot find anyone who can verify whether Japanese IT/tech companies/foreign IT/tech companies value these certifications.
There is a COMPTIA Japanese website [here](https://www.comptia.jp/), and you can take the A+ in Japanese over in Japan. But that’s all the information I have.
Anyone who has lived in Japan, works in Japan and the IT tech industry, or who has general knowledge, can you please tell me directly if Japan accepts COMPTIA certifications as valid IT certifications for employment/work visas? I know with work visas, a BA is minimum, so obviously I will get a BA before applying for a Visa. Or I may take the student visa route/work permit route.
This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.
**COMPTIA IT Certifications and Japan**
Hi, I can’t seem to find any proper answers or direct information on this matter.
So context: I currently have an Associate’s in IT and will either pursue a Bachelors in Game Art or Information Systems/Japanese Studies. Atm, I am studying for my A+, and once I get A+ certified I plan on getting the Server+, Networking+, and maybe Sec+ depending on how I feel.
I plan on moving to Japan to study at Tokyo Communication Arts Votech College, but will need some kind of job for income. Hence my IT background.
What I cannot find is are COMPTIA certifications valid and accepted in Japan? On COMPTIA’s website, [it says here:](https://www.comptia.org/faq/a/how-long-does-the-a-certification-last#🙂
>CompTIA A+ belongs to a group of certifications with **globally recognized International Organization for Standardization** and the American National Standards Institute (ISO/ANSI) accreditation status.
However, I cannot find anyone who can verify whether Japanese IT/tech companies/foreign IT/tech companies value these certifications.
There is a COMPTIA Japanese website [here](https://www.comptia.jp/), and you can take the A+ in Japanese over in Japan. But that’s all the information I have.
Anyone who has lived in Japan, works in Japan and the IT tech industry, or who has general knowledge, can you please tell me directly if Japan accepts COMPTIA certifications as valid IT certifications for employment/work visas? I know with work visas, a BA is minimum, so obviously I will get a BA before applying for a Visa. Or I may take the student visa route/work permit route.
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Employers will recognize COMPTIA certifications, assuming they’re related to the role you’re applying for.
Immigration won’t. From immigrations perspective, the only certs they care about are these ones: [https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/laws/nyukan_hourei_h09.html](https://www.moj.go.jp/isa/laws/nyukan_hourei_h09.html) They only care about them in the context of folks without formal education looking to get visas, meaning if you have one (or more) of the certiifcations on that list you wouldn’t need any education at all.
>I know with work visas, a BA is minimum, so obviously I will get a BA before applying for a Visa.
No, it isn’t. A bachelors would be the minimum for someone who is going to teach English, which is why you see that listed as the minimum everywhere. But I’d honestly expect your Associates degree to be deemed equivalent to a Japanese vocational school so it should be enough. Of course, if you want the bachelors degree absolutely go for it. More education is more better.