AITA for asking a discount? Payment dispute

Turns out my personal trainer didn’t correctly process some transactions and now I am hit with a credit card bill of 220k yen for past sessions going back more than a year. I paid every session and got a CC receipt. Failed to notice they didn’t show up in my monthly CC bills.
Am I within my rights to ask for a discount?

  1. You should ask him to reverse that charge and process them one per month the way you originally paid them because it’s an unreasonable hardship on you for him to process them that way. If he doesn’t want to do that then you can ask for a discount. If he doesn’t want to do that then you should complain to your credit card company.

  2. I don’t think you have a right to. This appears to be a situation where both sides are at fault. That should be the reason to come to some sort of compromise. Whether this will be some sort of installment plan or a discount will be between you and them.

  3. So you thought you were billed for services rendered but were not. And now you don’t want to pay the full amount you owe that you thought you’d paid?

    Nothing personal but that’s a total dick move. It’s not like the trainer didn’t perform the services you thought you’d paid them for. You just don’t want to pay them.

    Now reasonable would be don’t charge me the full amount this month break it up into payments. That would be totally reasonable. But no I don’t want to pay you, someone who’s livelihood relies on customers paying them? I mean this isn’t some nameless corporation this is a person.

    So in short YTA.

  4. It sounds like you had an agreement to pay, so them charging you is kocher in principle. That being said I do think it would be very reasonable to ask them to spread out the charges? Remember, you’re paying money you thought you had paid before! I might go and confirm if the card was actually not charged though (you got a CC receipt but the charge didn’t happen? Very odd)

    On the trainer side, I bet they would be willing to give a month free or something (discounting the charges for the past is a major headache for book-keeping compared to giving you benefits for later service). But it’s really up to them.

  5. Services were provided and you were billed. The circumstance are unfortunate, though. Maybe you can ask your cc company for a payment plan and your trainer to contribute to its interests?

  6. ESH one person’s negligence, another person’s incompetence. It is never fun when it comes to how and when someone charges you for services rendered.

    That being said, most people keep track of their finances. It’s a basic skill and you should be on top of what money you have and where it’s going.

    Compromise some installments. That’s the best middle-of-the-road solution.

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