Building a credit history

Hi folks,

I’m fresh off the boat in Tokyo and applying for my bank account, phone etc. Was looking at getting a credit card, to start building a credit history in Japan, but of course it seems to be one of those other infinite loops: no credit history? no credit. No credit? No credit history.

In the UK there are now loads of companies offering ways to game the credit system (such as loqbox.), I was wondering if there’s anything similar here? Or other things I can sign up to?

I suppose over time paying my phone bill will count… but that’s all I can think of.

I severely ruined my UK credit score (by being 20, finanically illiterate and offered a lot of ‘cheap’ credit when on minimum wage, very cool) so been looking forward to this also being a fresh start!




  1. Being fresh off the boat doesn’t help you get credit, it does the opposite. Also you haven’t told us if you have a JOB or not. The question is very vague. You also haven’t told us if you have savings ready to put in a bank account or not. Also you haven’t told us what visa you have. They will most likely give you a credit card if you have a long term visa. If you have anything under a 3 year visa you might as well not try. Also it doesn’t help to tell people on here you have ruined your credit score in your own country. Will youb also tell that to the japanese credit care company too? Lol

  2. Are you sure you even want a credit card if you couldn’t use one properly in the UK?

  3. Welcome to Japan, good news:compared to Britain people here don’t just assume it’s completely normal to be in thousands of quid worth of debt. There won’t be companies queuing up to let you spend money that you don’t have.

    The closest thing to a credit card you might be able to get is actually more like a debit card and you will have to pay off the entire balance every month. I don’t know how things are now, but for a very long time 1 of things that was required in order to get one of these was a domestic landline.

  4. Yep.
    Some people get lucky and get a credit card on the first try even without a credit history.
    On my case it took me 7 tries to get a credit card. Got my first one back in 2015. After that I was approved for every card I applied.

    I think it’s too early to apply for a credit card.
    They always ask questions like: how many years you live in the current address, how many years in the same job, income, how much saving you have, if you have driving license, and so on…

  5. Thanks to the people who were able to provide some answers without snarky remarks, got what I was looking for. Appreciate it.

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