Kids Duo International – Yaruki Switch

I have read through the old Reddit threads and Glassdoor reviews and would like to ask about people’s PERSONAL experiences working specifically for the Yaruki Switch brand of kindergarten Kids Duo International or I Kids Star (not the afterschool Kids Duo, or eikaiwa Winbe, etc).

So, regarding this company SPECIFICALLY:

What are the differences between Franchise and Direct (Corporate?) owned schools? I try not to take all the negative reviews at face value since I think it is easier for people to just whinge about something without going into specific details. Is working at a direct school better (is there a particulate location that is best?)

What is pay like? I see a wide range advertised (250-270). Do you think it matches the job duties for KDI/IKS since it seems that the other brands also pay the same.

Is it a diverse workplace? Do they only hire people from certain countries (or certain skin colors?).

Thanks for your time!

  1. I have friend who applied there only to become teacher assistant (a.k.a running after kids, wiping for water spill etc), the reason being they are looking for native speakers only. Or you know, white people. My friend came from India and have been speaking English as their main language since she can speak. But I believe its different in every kids duo franchise…

  2. This again? Why do people think the internet is wrong and they can find their own way around the fact all these companies are the same?


    No company is different. They just use different games to profit of having a foreigner stand in a room with Japanese people that want to pretend they are learning. The pay is always the same, ALTs get 2 to 2.3 mil and Eikaiwa get 2.5 to 3.2 million yen. (less than 1% of people in those jobs make more) The amount offered is a “perfect” month’s salary and you will only get that three or four months a year, most of the year you will earn less. Some companies will say “British speakers only” or some other nonsense but the reality is they will hire anyone that doesn’t look Japanese and has passable English if they have a visa.

  3. Personal experience? Wasnt hired, but the recruiter offered me 1000yen to pick her child from school, and stay with the child for some time until the recruiter comes home, since I lived near the school.

    I declined.

  4. I worked for Kids Duo International and it was horrible, AMA. I’ve had a lot of shitty jobs in my life but it was by far the shittiest.

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