What does 遭遇 refer to here ?







Here the main character talks about a function in his full armor body shield called auto balancer whish for a very brief moment delays the action of the Weare of th shield now here comes the part that i do not understand :Here 遭遇 refers to encountering unliky fellow not a problem, as far as i can see also this is how deepl translate it but the official translation says this : In three full battles of ten thousand Jackets each, only one soldier might have the misfortune of encountering a problem with the auto-balancer.

Making 遭遇 refers to a problem that the unlucky fellow encounter rather than the unlucky fellow him self .

* I am confused on what does 遭遇 refer to here please help ?

1 comment
  1. 運の悪いやつが「生死の境を分ける一瞬 i.e. オートバランサのせいで死ぬ不幸」に遭遇する

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