I want to take a moment to give Rock Bar Mother a shout out

Stayed in Shinjuku and went searching for a rock bar and discovered three pretty good ones!

Godz for heavy metal (lots of autographs from visiting metal bands)

Psy for more glam metal and classic rock (think Pantera)

But the bar that stood out to me the most was Rock Bar Mother.

As I descended the staircase into Rock Bar Mother in Shinjuku, I could feel the energy in the air. This was not just any bar – this was a temple to rock and roll, a place where the music was loud and that’s the only thing that mattered. The place was small like a cave and lit up in red lighting, as if it were catering to demons and cryptids.

From the moment I entered, I knew I was in for a wild ride. The walls were lined with posters and memorabilia from some of the greatest rock bands of all time, and the bartender was cool as could be, politely handing me a menu and pointing to where it said 2 song requests per every drink.

The music really set Rock Bar Mother apart. The playlist was a carefully curated selection of classic rock, punk, and metal, played loud enough to make your ears ring. Every song is played on a cd that they have amassed above the bar. You choose which band you want to hear from their extensive cd catalogue and the bartender preloads it while another customer’s song finishes up.

Rock Bar Mother is the real deal – gritty, raw, and unapologetically loud. The energy in the room is electric, and I found myself swept up in the excitement and passion, (as well as the Asahi’s).

As the night wore on, I found myself feeling more and more like a part of the family at Rock Bar Mother. The regulars were friendly and welcoming, and the lone bartender went out of their way to make sure everyone was having a good time.

All in all, Rock Bar Mother was a wild and unforgettable experience. If you’re a fan of rock and roll, loud music, and cheap drinks, this is the place for you. Just be prepared to let loose and have a good time – because that’s what it’s all about there.

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