Japan NPO urges sex workers in trouble to seek help to prevent tragedies – The Mainichi

Japan NPO urges sex workers in trouble to seek help to prevent tragedies – The Mainichi


  1. So sad that women don’t have the support they need there. Instead of admonishing them, these authorities should feel horrible guilt for her feeling she had no one to consult.

  2. Very sad story. Also, a key point from the article:

    > there were 874 consultations in 2019, but in 2020, the number reached a record high of 2,929 due to a string of people losing their jobs as a result of the spread of the coronavirus. In 2022, a preliminary figure of 2,267 consultations were received.

    The number of consultations increasing in itself would be good news, but here it also suggests a trend that people who lost their main jobs were funneled (for whatever reasons) into these kinds of dangerous jobs. And it means that there isn’t a big enough safety net or system to support people losing their jobs now. And so if that issue isn’t addressed and more jobs continue to be lost for various other reasons, this consequent issue is going to continue to get worse too.

  3. Japan is almost like a 3rd world country when it comes to women basically being forced into prostitution. While technically illegal, it’s astonishing how mindbogglingly big the industry is and how it’s all done out in the open.

  4. I remember a Japanese Youtuber mentioning that the ” safety net” for women was prostitution. I get its your body do what you want to do, but no woman should be ” stuck” like that where its an ” oh, well”

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