Best immersion material for JLPT prep?

A lot of people say to read novels and other stuff like that, but JLPT doesn’t really have vocab from novels. What style of texts is the best for JLPT? Some people said news are good, is it true? What are the best sources?
I’m preparing for N2
Thanks in advance

  1. Essays are good. Banana Yoshimoto and Miura Shion write good ones.

    If you were preparing for N1 I would definitely recommend a newsmagazine called 世界. It’s advanced enough that I’m not sure if I should recommend it for N2, but I’ll throw it out there.

    I read a lot of novels while preparing for N1 and I think they are good preparation material but you definitely need a decent amount of exposure to the rhetorical strategies and typical turns of phrase in Japanese nonfiction.

  2. While novels don’t have the vocabulary of N1 they do help a lot with reading speed. I wouldn’t neglect them.

  3. I used [migii]( app (iOS app…they may have an android version but am not sure) when studying for the has a ton of reading passages as well as listening exercises you may find on the test….the only thing I will point out is to not trust the readings it provides for kanji and the definitions may be sometimes off…but as far as reading/listening practice it’s really good.


    another good resource is [LingQ](, which if you set your level to 中級2 or 上級1 you will be able to find a lot of podcasts with transcripts and there is specifically a [series for JLPT]( you can take a look at. The only thing I don’t like is how they have romaji for basically everything in the transcript and never found a way to turn it off….but as listening practice it could help

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