Is the EJU exam compulsory to get into a senmon gakko(software development) as a foreigner?

I had asked this question before but didn’t get any sorted answer so im asking once more.. I want to get into a senmon gakko after the language school will end. A little backstory bout me: I’m currently 21 yo and I’m an English major but i have been coding for the past one year and i like it and have done some projects for myself. I want to go to Japan the next year after I get my N5 certificate. I have decided to get into a language school first for 1.5 years and get a N2. Since I don’t have a background in IT even though I am developing my skills , Japan wont hire me cause I have seen from videos that you need to have a degree in the field. So i want to get into a senmon gakko first and then be eligible for it. I want to know that if senmon gakkos always requires a EJU exam result or there are ways around it. The universities requires the EJU result but am not sure about the vocational schools. I do not want to wait anymore in Japan while preparing for the EJU cause it might increase my expense there. Please give me your honest opinions or experience if you have gone through the same situation. Thank you ❤

  1. You don’t necessarily need a degree in the field you’re looking to work for. I know a few people who self taught themselves coding and went into a coding job without a degree in programming.

  2. I’m going to give you the ***exact same answer I gave you last time***. Hell, I’m even going to just copy/paste it:

    >Different schools have different requirements. Some may want EJU scores. Some won’t.

    There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to the requirements. Find the school you want to go to and look into what they want.

    You didn’t get “any sorted answer” because there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer.

    Find a school you want to attend, check their website for their admission criteria.

  3. 情報科学専門学校?



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