Getting Nozei and Kazei Shomesho for immigration after moving between prefectures.

I received a letter today from Immigration that they need me to provide my Kazei and Nozei Shoemeisho forms from Reiwa 3 and 4 to renew my visa.

It says that I need to go to my ward office to get these forms. However, last year (March of Reiwa 4) I moved to a new city. I have lived in this city since then.

Do I need to go to the old city 3 hours away to get these forms, or will they have them at my current ward office? The rules for this are difficult to find online. I keep seeing something about getting it in the place you lived on January 1st, but I’m not sure if that means January 1st R4, or January 1st R5.

  1. Where did you live on January 1st, 2022? That’s the location of your Reiwa 4 certificates.

    Where did you live on January 1st, 2021? That’s the location of your Reiwa 3 certificates.

    Maybe you can apply to have them sent by mail but it might not be quick enough for you.

    Tax certificates are usually required to renew your status of residence. So prepare them in advance next time.

  2. Yes, you need to go to your old city to pick them up. Some, not all, do email applications and then mail them to you, but that can be slow and they might just get it wrong.

    You’ll likely have to suck it up and just go.

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