This our fave AYCE sushi place and our 6 yo clearly enjoying her food!

This our fave AYCE sushi place and our 6 yo clearly enjoying her food!

  1. It took my parents once-per-week visits to our local sushi joint for me to grow up from hating sushi to eventually ordering the “sashimi deluxe.” You’re raising ’em well 😎

  2. Oh man my girls are so incredibly picky, I wish they’d join me at a place like this! My husband is picky too, and while I’ll eat almost anything, they’ve developed his habits, unfortunately.

  3. I would have had a hard time as a kid both being convinced to try sushi, and getting my parents to try it themselves. I think kids today are lucky in that they can broaden their palates by trying it.

  4. She’s so adorable! I hope my next kid enjoys sushi just like she does! 🥰

  5. I’m embarrassed that she can use chopsticks but I still can’t figure it out even with tutorials

  6. My daughter has been my sushi buddy since she was two. One time when she was two or three we were bellied up to the bar at one of the AYCEs in town when some guy tried shaming me for her being so young and eating raw fish. I asked him how old he thinks kids in Japan are when they start eating it, and for him to kindly fuck off. She has made it another 17 years since then.

  7. Sushi AND star wars?!? This kid has good parents.

    The sushi force is strong with this one.

  8. haha i love her headband. but be careful about how much she eats. when i was around her age my family would get sushi every wednesday night. me and my mom would share these big sashimi platters, and i couldnt get enough of the stuff. ate waaaaaay too much to the point where i would get nauseous. couldnt stomach sushi for a good few years after that cuz my brain started associating the texture with getting ill

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