Going to Japan for love

Hi there.

I’m from Europe, and I want to reach my Japanese boyfriend currently living in Japan. He can’t travel to me due to personal and health problem, so I really need to reach him as soon as possible.

Obviusly now boarders are now closed, I’m not an english native speaker and I don’t speak japanese, so it’s kinda difficult for me to get a job there right now, even if I own a bachelor degree.
There’s no way for me to obtain a visa or something just for reaching my boyfriend, even for a short time?

I’m sorry if this may sounds like a stupid question, but we’re doing researchs from months but nothing suits our necessity. I’m scared I have to wait until 2023 to reach him.

There’s someone in a similar situation?

  1. Unfortunately there are many, many people in this same situation. There are no tourism visas being issued at this time, so sadly unless you qualify for a spouse, student, or work visa, you’re not really able to come over. That means your options at this time are to get married, apply to school (even language school), or find a job.

    Keep your fingers crossed that borders open sooner, but until then, many like you just have to sadly wait.

  2. Unfortunately if you’re not married, the only way you’re getting in is on a tourist visa, and unfortunately that’s impossible right now and will be for the foreseeable future. Unlike certain other countries, being in a relationship with someone doesn’t give you any more rights when it comes to applying for visas or getting passed the current border restrictions.

  3. The other option is a working holiday visa – if you are under 30 and you can get a sponsor within japan

    There are some companies in japan if you took a language course with them for minimum of 2 weeks then they would be your guarantor and give you an ERFS certificate to support your application. HOWEVER to my knowledge not all people from European countries can apply for this and you need a certain amount of savings

    Alternatively if you could get a language school to sponsor you, you could get visa that way. I’m assuming English isn’t your first language. I’m not sure what options there are to teach other languages in japan but maybe something like an eikawa exists for other languages

    I hope this helps

  4. It’s expensive but you can maybe try with a student visa? If not then I would recommend to contact an immigration lawyer which could potentially help (you could maybe use the health problems as an advantage)…

  5. I’m in the same situation… it’s very sad and i’m sorry I have checked all possible options for the last two years and as all the other posts are saying the only way to get in is to get a job or a student visa at the moment.. I have finally secured a job and we will be back together in July. Good luck and I hope tourist visas are reissued soon so you can be together.

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