Question/Looking for suggestions on configuring a 2k/6k Anki deck to better suit my goals


my short term goals: being able to converse in japanese. listen/speak japanese (no real timeline set)

what’s the best way to setup my 2k/6k deck to better suit my goals?


I setup this deck:

and the first thing I noticed while going through is that a lot of times i’ll look at the kanji and not be able to determine the correct definition for what it represents, takes me quite a while. but I realized that as soon as reveal the back and see how it’s pronounced that “oh, i know what that means in english”.

so i’ll understand the japanese word and already know the english translation, i end up spending a long time trying to remember the kanji -> hiragana translation instead of japanese -> english translation. so in the end it feels like i’m mostly focusing on READING kanji properly instead of learning japanese

I can actually read hirigana/katakana pretty easily it’s kanji i’m having trouble with memorizing/learning/absorbing. don’t get me wrong, I understand that being to read japanese is probably important, but if my current goal is to converse in japanese (listen/understand and speak) then learning to read is hindering my rate of progress of that goal.


e.g. (not the best example because i actually do know this one, but just as an example of what i’m encountering overall)

* 九つ

i’ll look at this and be like, i’m not sure what it says, how to read it in japanese. then i’ll flip the card and hear/read ここのつ and right away realize “oh, that means 9 things” but i had trouble translating the kanji, not the japanese -> english which i knew already right away


so, my question is, what’s the best way to setup the deck (and is there an easy way to do so?) where i’m more so learning japanese rather than learning to read the kanji?

moving the hiragana and the audio to the front, and then moving the kanji to the back of the card (more as just a reference instead of learning it specifically)?

or maybe only play the audio on the front and hide the hiragana as a hint on the front (i think that’s possible where u can hide/unhide with a button click?) so that i’m focusing on being able to hear and understand the word?


and then there comes the question, should I even do this? is it going to hurt me in the long run when i decide to start learning to properly read kanji? or will maybe knowing the word first will help me a lot in finally learning the kanji?

1 comment
  1. So I edited the card to look like this instead

    * [Front Card](
    * [Front Card (pressing Kana button for hint)](
    * [Back Card](

    question is still, should I even do this? is it going to hurt me in the long run when i decide to start learning to properly read kanji? or will maybe knowing the word first will help me a lot in finally learning the kanji?


    if anybody is interested this is the code I changed to

    * Front Card:


    <button class=”button” type=”button” onclick=”
    (document.getElementById(‘ID’) .style.display==’none’)
    {document.getElementById(‘ID’) .style.display=”}
    {document.getElementById(‘ID’) .style.display=’none’}”>

    <div class=”spoiler” id=”ID” style=”display:none”>

    * Back Card:


    <hr id=answer>


    <span style=”font-size: 30px; “>{{Vocabulary-English}}</span>
    <span style=”font-size: 35px; “>{{Vocabulary-Kana}}</span>
    <span style=”font-size: 14px; “>{{Vocabulary-Pos}}</span>
    <span style=”font-size: 40px; “>{{furigana:Reading}}</span>
    <span style=”font-size: 25px; “>{{Sentence-English}}</span>


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