What do you find most useful in a language learning app?

Hey, fellow Japanese learners! I’m currently exploring different language learning apps and I’m curious to know what features you find most useful. Are there any specific tools or functionalities that have helped you improve your language skills? Or maybe there’s something you wish an app had that would make your learning experience more effective?

Personally, I’ve been using a few different apps for vocabulary building, grammar practice, and speaking exercises, but I’m always on the lookout for new ideas. So, I thought I’d turn to the Reddit community and ask for your recommendations.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Thanks in advance for your input!

  1. **Apps I used so far:**

    * Anki: It’s very useful for vocab. I have around 10k cards so far. It helps you put vocab into your long-term memory. It’s free/open source.

    * Yomichan: It’s a popup dictionary for your web browser. It makes looking stuff up faster. It’s free/open source.

  2. I find that apps that seek to provide as many features for free as they can without exploiting me for money are in fact the best apps. So basically the only one or two I’ve found so far is Shirabe Jisho and perhaps Anki. otherwise it is just run of the mill social media and SNS and media to immerse. You have to make the app to help people learn, not to make a profit. Sadly that’s how it is. Our society isn’t set up that way. We aren’t set up that way. It is a paradox and only those actually seeking to provide free resources and to work for the good of learning – those are the actual only ones that really help at all. At all.

  3. I am developing https://jitakuapp.com

    And have been using it everyday for almost 1 year

    It is aimed at learning kanji writing and learning vocabulary through texts and books.
    I am actually quite happy with the Text mode, which kind of lets you learn the kanji writing while your read a text. And adapts to the kanji you already know to hide the most appropriate parts.

    I don’t know if my explanation makes any sense 😅 but you can check the website or try the app by yourself to get a clearer idea

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