So i start learn japanese again after years ago and i learned kanji first but my own problem is i know what the kanji means but i can’t read them. their onyomi and kunyomi really made me confused.
Btw, i can read hiragana and katakana so i think it was great starting point
Don’t learn kanji readings, learn actual words.
Been studying for 10-15 years on and off and Wanikani was and still is a game changer for me. With Wanikani alone I can read most Kanji easily over 3-4 years. My listening comprehension is still horrible though.
How good is your Japanese? Are you struggling to read Kanji within a text you’re reading or just on their own?
Don’t rote memorize kanji, learn words
You can do a little memorizing on the side if it helps with the vocab, but it’s not how the language works. Kanji have no meaning or pronunciation outside the context of a word