Do ALT companies do reference checks? if yes, which one’s do that? what happens if the contact mentioned in the reference check blanks Doesn’t Reply?

Do ALT companies do reference checks? if yes, which one’s do that? what happens if the contact mentioned in the reference check blanks Doesn’t Reply?

  1. Yes, they do check references. My friend put me down as a reference and I was contacted, so I can definitely confirm.

    What happens if a company can’t get in touch with any references? Well… I wouldn’t be surprised if the application is rejected. Not saying for sure that would happen though but considering how many people probably apply for these jobs, don’t you think companies would rather sort through the applications that meet all the requirements than to spend time on the ones that don’t?

  2. I don’t think they checked mine at all, they do background checks obviously as you’re working in a school but my references were never contacted

  3. When I applied to interac they called/emailed all my references and checked if all the information I gave them was correct. Even my current workplace at the time lol.

  4. Not an ALT company, but I worked in a Board of Education that directly hired ALTs, and yes, we did check all references. It was my job to contact any references who were not Japanese, and that often involved calling people overseas. If we couldn’t reach someone’s reference, or if the person gave negative comments about the applicant, the applicant wasn’t automatically omitted from consideration, but of course people who got only positive comments from all references moved higher up on the list.

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