I really hope Coughlin becomes Never Openweight Champion this Year. He is so Good.

I really hope Coughlin becomes Never Openweight Champion this Year. He is so Good.

  1. It’s frustrating seeing him do all these crazy feats of strength on the indies. The guy is so damn talented, he should absolutely be one of the regulars on Japan tours.

  2. They really missed the boat not having Kidd and Couglin in njcup. Hard found round 1 loss followed by weeks in the undercard matches really would have helped get the Japanese audience familiar with them.

    They would have been great guys to be opposite the BC tag teams for example.

  3. Wish there was a new baby face group that could scoop him up and use him. Everyone else wouldn’t make much sense and chaos are kinda eh

  4. If they end up doing nothing with this guy it’s going to defy all logic. Just look at him. Why isn’t Bushiroad jumping on this bandwagon immediately?

  5. The guy is so impressive. I hope NJPW does more with the LA Dojo guys this year. Was a shame to see Fredericks leave (he could’ve easily been inserted into the G1).

    I don’t like “The Android” gimmick because I don’t think it suits him aside from his strength but I’d love for Coughlin to join BC. He’s got an ROH Pure Rules match coming up against Tracy Williams and if Shibata wins the Pure title, it would be interesting if Coughlin is the first from LA Dojo to turn heel and challenge Shibata.

  6. I hate to be that guy, but I just don’t see what others see in Coughlin. Like he’s not horrible by any means, just not particularly good. I recall seeing him in WTL and he just seemed to move slow and still seemed pretty green. He definitely has potential, I guess I just find it interesting that so many are on his bandwagon.

  7. Gedo elevated 8 guys, has a mystery person, and Oleg’s incoming. It’s hard adding more, but maybe BC has room.

  8. I think he needs to be tested to make sure he is 100% human first. I think I drawl the line at letting android hybrids compete for titles.

    I saw him at GCW and I don’t think he is fully a human

  9. Gotta figure out what they’re doing with the LA Kids period. If they want to create stars and have them just do indies that’s fine but it sucks that they have guys seemingly signed that they’re doing nothing with.

    Not saying you gotta push them to the moon or anything but if they don’t have any real plans aside from NJUSA once a month might as well just cut bait on them.

  10. The handling of coughlin and the rest of the la dojo has been so frustrating.

    been with the company half a decade and still aren’t mainstays in japan.

  11. That title badly needs to return to its roots. It’s felt like just another undercard belt for so long. I hope we get a slew of new challengers for it soon.

  12. He was awesome with Kidd during WTL 2022. Shame they couldn’t get more wins but in the future if they keep teaming up, they could be a force in the Tag Team Division. Imagine Goto/YOSHI Vs Kidd/Coughlin for the IWGP Tag Team titles.

  13. IMO he needs to ditch the Android gimmick. It looks corny and out of place given his moveset and in ring persona. They already has comparisons made about him to Karl Gotch, and he already has the look, he should be leaning on the turn of the century Strongman vibe. ‘The Strongest man for the Steongest Style’ or some such.

  14. There gonna be a lot of eyes on him Wrestlemania weekend with the Moxley Bloodsport match – New Japan not using him more is going to look very silly soon

  15. I was high on Coughlin as a young lion but his look is off. Either rock the ‘stache & haircut and be a throwback in the vein of Walter or go whole hog on something else. The Cyborg doesn’t fit him at the moment

  16. If Aussie Open is gonna leave NJPW then Alex Coughin will be a good pick for a new United Empire member

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