Which way should I immerse in Japanese

1. Go in completely blind to a new anime and try to figure everything out
2. Watch a new anime but read a wikipedia summary of the episode
3. Watch something I’ve seen before

I’m studying quartet 1 right now. I’m not the most advanced student, but I really wanna start immersing

  1. Check out [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/124hjl3/comment/jdzpm29/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to a post I just made on this.

    Anime is made for native speakers so it will be rather opaque for beginners. Slice Of Life is generally easier than other genres. If you need subtitles (you will) try [kitsunekko](https://kitsunekko.net/dirlist.php?dir=subtitles%2Fjapanese%2F).

    With Anime, take a small section (a few minutes of the anime) and study it using subtitles.

  2. Questions and comments about immersion aren’t permitted on this subreddit. You’ll have to look elsewhere.

  3. Do a little of all of the above.

    I keep an anime I’ve never seen handy to test my progress. For a while it was Madoka Magica….. now it’s pretty much any new show on Netflix. XD

    Sometimes just reading the synopsis of an episode helps your ear pick out certain things, or helps you make sense of sentences you may otherwise have not understood. So if you’re so inclined to do so, do that.

    For the third. I noticed it feels like cheating. But here you can focus less on processing what you’re hearing and more on phrasing and parroting or memorizing certain sentences and turns of phrase.

    I’d also recommend on any of the above, use Japanese subtitles if you can. It helps in descrambling sounds and picking up new vocab.

    Keep it an active process (look up words, write down sentences, make Anki cards if you’re so inclined), passive listing is OK, but should be kept to a minimum. 😅 I wasted WAAAYYYY too much time passive listening hoping one day it would just click. Don’t do that. It won’t.

  4. Have fun / that’s what you should do. The more I try to systematize it the less fun it is and the more I don’t want to do it.

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