Who do I write as my emergency contact for the place I work with?

My company that I will be entering this April asks for an emergency contact (緊急連絡先) but I currently don’t have anyone that I can ask.

I’ve always asked my school for this, but since I graduated they refused. Now that my company is my sponsor / the closest thing to my guardian, I’ve actually asked them to become my EC for moving apartments. But who should be the emergency contact for them?

I know that a lot of people just put anyone as their EC, but I feel like I should at least think about the time that they will be needing it, i.e. it’s gonna be for when I suddenly don’t show up to the office because I die or something serious like that. So it can’t just be anyone. Shit happens, and right now I don’t have anyone that close to be asked for that.

Should I ask my country’s embassy, or contacting the officials is already the procedure for emergency like that, thus I don’t need to personally put it as mine?

I just sent my company an email about this and just wanted to know what you guys did in this situation.

  1. Just put your country’s ambassador’s name along with the embassy phone number. Nobody will check.

  2. I would either put someone that I trust deeply, or give them my mother’s American number

  3. My company accepted my overseas relative’s contact info, so that could be an option for you as well

  4. > I know that a lot of people just put anyone as their EC, but I feel like I should at least think about the time that they will be needing it, i.e. **it’s gonna be for when I suddenly don’t show up to the office because I die or something serious like that**. So it can’t just be anyone. Shit happens, and right now I don’t have anyone that close to be asked for that.

    If you don’t have anyone then you don’t have anyone. There’s not much to think about.

    Just give them a family member’s contact details even if they aren’t in Japan. Surely you’d want them to be the first to know if you went missing anyway.

  5. Do it have a friend or neighbor? Since it is a company 緊急連絡先 most people won’t mind as they would on an apartment rental, etc.

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