Have to wait over a month before getting my last paycheck

Long story short, I finished my contract in mid-March. My employer usually pays the entire month’s salary at the end of the succeeding month. So, I’m still waiting for February’s paycheck, almost two weeks after finishing my contract.

Now, I’m leaving Japan in April, and won’t be around to receive my last (half-month’s) paycheck. I’ve already returned my shakai hoken card and everything. My (previous) employer wants to remit my paycheck to my overseas account at the end of April.

Is this allowed? I’ve heard others mention all outstanding wages have to be paid within a week after the end of work.


Edit: spelling

  1. Quote Article 23 paragraph 1 of the labor standards act to your ex-employer: https://elaws.e-gov.go.jp/document?lawid=322AC0000000049

    第二十三条 使用者は、労働者の死亡又は退職の場合において、権利者の請求があつた場合においては、七日以内に賃金を支払い、積立金、保証金、貯蓄金その他名称の如何を問わず、労働者の権利に属する金品を返還しなければならない。

    It’s in your best interest to get this money asap because if it’s paid after you leave Japan it’s subject to 20.42% non-resident tax

  2. By Japanese labor law he has to pay you in 14 days IF YOU REQUEST IT.
    If you don’t request it, you might have to wait until he feels like it.

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