Making use of new JR East Free Pass itinerary

Please let me know if this is too much to do in one day, and what I should add/remove:

Day 1:
Tokyo -> Sendai

40 mins from home to tokyo station

1h34 minute shinkansen

Sendai Castle (24 min train/walk, 40 min walk from station)

beef tongue (kisuke)

Jozenji dori (5 min train/14 min walk)

Matsushima (tohoku line, every hour, 28 min ride)

Stay: disk city net cafe sendai

Day 2:

Sendai-> Akita

2h12 minute shinkansen

Oga peninsula (Ou line to Oga Station, 1h6 min ride)

akita museum of art (11 min walk from station)

walk around city

stay: comic buster cafe akita

Day 3:

Akita-> Aomori

2h39 Ou Line limited express

Furukawa Fish Market


Auga Fish Market

aomori museum of art (maybe skip)

A factory

explore city

back to tokyo 3 hr 16 min shinkansen

  1. So in one day, you want to go from Tokyo to Sendai, then to Matsushima, then back to Sendai, go up to Akita, visit a museum, then over to Aomori, visit another museum, and a factory, then you want to still make it back to Tokyo? Do I have this correctly?

    I’d say that’s too much for even a weekend but maybe I’m just not an ambitious enough traveler.

  2. You live in Tokyo? Personally I would rather return to sleep at home if I were in Tokyo especially when you aren’t even planning to sleep in a proper hotel. Otherwise, it looks fine to me, maybe even on the less packed side.

  3. Nebuta matsuri museum in Aomori is pretty cool and near the station if you want to swap out the art museum for it.

    Also the tourist information building in Aomori city has a good viewing spot. (Triangle shaped place)

  4. you are lucky i really want that ticket but im in the west end of the country so id have to buy another ticket on top of it so it would not save me money.

    Id skip akita as its a bit out of the way and there is not much to do there. Maybe if you had a car it would be better so you can get out there into the country side.

  5. Matsushima you should consider taking the Basho cruise to get to Matsushima by the sea. This give a chance to see the islands from closer. That also seems to not be so much time to do both Sendai and Matsushima. Might be ok if you take the train early in the morning.

    Akita there is a museum about the kanto matsuri and there is also a park with the ruin of the castle. And you could stop by Kakunodate on the way to Akita too, I would probably do that instead of Oga peninsula, it would also cut time on the train.

    For me it’s mostly a question of logistic of when you get in the train, if you do not start your day early, that can cut by a couple of hours the time you have to visit places that have opening hours, that’s why I prefer to move in the afternoon than in the morning.

  6. Disclaimer that I can only really comment on Aomori here.

    Furukawa and Auga fish markets are less than a 5 minute walk apart. Hakkoda Maru and A-Factory are about the same distance from one another, too. Those are all within a 10 minute walking distance of each other and the station.

    The Nebuta museum is also right across from A-Factory and worth a visit. ASPAM is another building with great views and its own shops, mini-museum and appeal, close to the station and other stops you’ve mentioned visiting.

    The Aomori Art Museum is great, but if there isn’t a particular exhibition going on, it might not be worth the long bus rides to and from. We’re quite famous for Sannai Maruyama, which is within a 5-10 minute walk. If you’re do decide to hit up the museum, definitely try stopping in at Sannai Maruyama while there.

    Lmk if you have any Aomori questions!

  7. I had to dig my Japan itinerary from years ago as your first day sounded similar. I think you are on the right track logistics wise if that’s how much you want to pack in. I went up to Sendai but didn’t spend as much time there, then headed to Matsushima and visited the islands, renting a bike for an hour or two, before taking the ferry back to Sendai which allowed me to explore and also see the islands. I didn’t stay in Sendai but headed back to Nikko where I stayed the night and explored the next day, which I highly recommend on this trip or next.

  8. Highly recommend the Loople Sendai hop on/hop off sightseeing bus! It’s cheap, easy and can pay with your IC (Passmo, Suica, etc.) card 😉 It was a great way to tour many of the city’s sights when you’re short on time! Glad you included beef tongue on the itinerary as it’s famous there! Safe travels and enjoy!

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