Costco credit card – why do I get rejected all the time?

I applied for that stupid credit card (Mastercard) for Cosrco twice already and got rejected.

Anyone with similar experience? Or does anyone know what might be the reason?

I am a seishain in a big company with permanent job. Can’t really think about possible reason (application was donw properly).

Naturally, as always in Japan, no reason specified.

  1. Unless you absolutely *need* the additional costco discount, apply for d-card (regular or gold) instead. Also mastercard, works in costco/gas station, and also accrues d-points at 1-2% (iirc) which is similar to costco non-store spend cashback anyway.

    Also, if you keep repeatedly applying over short period of time, there’s a history so you’ll get auto denied. Better wait around 6 months before trying again.

    A while back (some years ago) I also applied for the costco card, got rejected, despite being here for a very long time with PR/etc. Figured it wasn’t worth the effort and got d-card instead.

  2. IDK about Costco card but generally people fail to get credit cards for serval reasons.

    * You don’t have enough credit history in Japan
    * You have late payments or missed payments
    * Your name is too long to fit on the card
    * You applied for a card that’s limit is beyond what your income and credit history allows for.
    * You’ve recently been rejected for credit (car loan, credit card, etc)

  3. Its by Orico, every time I have applied for a card or purchase loan and its been them involved it’s always been rejected. And this is for someone who has been living here for almost 10 years and has 2 credit cards plus a car loan through different companies with zero late payments. Now if I see their name on something I don’t even bother wasting my time.

  4. Costco credit card wouldn’t accept my full name. There were not enough spaces for all the characters on the application. Couldn’t shorten my name because it didn’t match my id or bank details. The Costco lady shrugged her shoulders and said that there was nothing they could do.

    I second the Docomo Mastercard. We use it for **everything** and every month I get around 6000~8000 yen* to spend at Yamaya.

    *You have to remember that you are paying 880 for the card though.

  5. Rakuten is a pretty easy one to get. The only issue you might have is initial delivery if you have a middle name (I had to have mine resent and it took them longer than the period to get the signup bonus points…to which I got offered nothing but 大変申し訳ございません。

  6. Have you been in Japan long? Have you been at your company for 2+ years? Your current address for 2+ years? Do you own or do you rent? Do you have any credit history here? (Past or current loans, past or current credit cards, house mortgage, etc?) Do you have an income that matches or exceeds the national average (~5mil JPY)? Do you have a plastic MyNumber card or just the paper one?

    Did you wait at least 6 months between applications?

    Did you [apply online]( Or fill out the paper application form?

    The exact mix of answers that will get you a credit card varies, but the more answers you have that match what they want to hear, the more likely you are to get a card.

    In the meantime you might want to consider some options that will work in place of a credit card:

    Have a Wise account? Apply for their debit card which is Mastercard. You can transfer JPY from your Japanese bank account to your Wise account for only the cost of the domestic furikomi from your Japanese bank account. It takes 5 minutes or so to appear in your Wise account but it’s painless. Send through 100k before you go to Costco and you’ll be good to go.

    Don’t have a Wise account and don’t want one? [Rakuten Bank]( and [SBI Net Bank]( both offer Mastercard debit cards to their account holders. Rakuten gives you 1% back as Rakuten points, SBI Net gives 0.8% back as some sort of points but I’m not sure what you can use them for.

  7. It’s hard to say … I got one when they first opened but my ex-wife filled in the application in Japanese .. and I didn’t have a permanent visa at the time and really no credit in Japan

  8. mastercard amazon, i was literally accepted online and got the card just as i started my job 😂😂 didnt even ask me for my companys info beyond the telephone no

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