Friends employer is looking to fire her before paternity leave?

She’s pregnant and due to take leave in a week or two. Out of nowhere they asked to check all of her references after being in the company for over a year. (It’s a marketing tech 外資系) she’s a foreigner on 永住者の配偶者等 visa.

Is this normal or suspicious by the company?

For reference, most of the team has quit in the last months and it’s just her and one other. It was originally 8 people. The company is not profitable in Japan.

Interested in hearing your insights

  1. It would be illegal to fire her, regardless of reference check.

    P.S. before maternity leave, not paternity.

  2. Why did most of the other members of the team quit? Is the company claiming financial hardship?

  3. If she’s due to take leave in a week then it is probably all lined up, the paperwork is probably in progress. My memory isn’t great from when we did it, but it seems like it would be too late to change track and fire her?

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