5 Day Itinerary Check – Hiroshima/Kyoto (July 2023)

Hi everyone! I’m planning a 5-day whirlwind trip to Japan for a friend’s wedding. It’s everyone’s first time visiting, so any feedback or suggestions are welcome. I’m gonna acknowledge ahead of time that it’s pretty packed, and we probably won’t manage to hit everything on the list. I’ll also mark the items my group members are really excited about with (\*).

Day 1

* Everyone arrives in Osaka
* No concrete plans, but we’ll be staying for the night due to how late we’ll be arriving.

Day 2

* Catch an early morning train to Hiroshima for the wedding and drop our bags at our accommodations there
* We’ll be staying at the wedding venue
* Wedding activities until mid-late afternoon
* Explore Hiroshima City
* Hondori and the PARCO at the end of it
* Peace Memorial Park / Atomic Bomb Dome
* Dinner somewhere in Okonomimura

Day 3

* Check out of our hotel and ship our bags to Kyoto
* Day trip to Miyajima\*
* Meet our newly-wed friends for an early dinner in Hiroshima
* Travel to Kyoto

Day 4

* Early morning trip to Arashiyama\*
* Bamboo Forest / Gioji / Monkey Park
* Return to Kyoto Station and rent bikes
* Bike to Kiyomizu-dera and explore the surrounding area, including Sannezaka and Nineizaka
* Tea ceremony in Nineizaka\*
* Return the bikes and enjoy the shopping/thrifting near our hotel.
* Dinner and nightlife

Day 5

* Checkout and book it to ITM for departure in the afternoon

1 comment
  1. Get izikaya for dinner in Kyoto. Very good. I would suggest doing a half day tour of Kyoto sights. Saves a lot of time considering you have very little.

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