I have unlocked the spouse cheat code and I dare you to try it

I see a lot of posts on here all the time about couples issues, particularly involving children. I’m one of them. Last night, for about the fourth time this month, I pushed a magic button that worked like an instant cheat code and I wanted to share my #1 tip. I assure you this isn’t a joke despite my tone, and I’m writing like this because it’s so stupid that I’m embarrassed it works.

I thought, oh my goodness, someone out there must need this tactic. Here goes.

My #1 issue with my significant other is that they fly off the handle over small stuff with the kids. And I get it, kids are a handful, but I don’t do that. Ever. I’m not buddha. I don’t sweat the small stuff. But I’m also not the 24/7 caretaker so I let it go for a long time and while things like communication and counseling help, it doesn’t change a short fuse. Until this one trick.

The next time you see your spouse about to get into it with your kid over a menial, non-issue, completely stupid thing, whatever their nationality is, crack a joke and start rolling a video. Oh you’re super into video now, to send to your parents, to put on Mitene, to share precious moments for the future. Watch how quickly they snap into their social media persona that’s carefree and the perfect parent. You will not believe it.

Now I’m not suggesting filming a heated argument, I would smack someone. The point is to use the tactic to make them self-aware that they are about to make a mountain out of a molehill, and in the country where appearance is everything, this is working wonders for me.

Happy vlogging <3

  1. All I get from this post is that your SO is the only one raising your kids and you’re just a lazy ass who doesn’t talk through your problems.

  2. This sounds like a terrible idea.

    TLDR: if you annoy your partner start recording them and threaten to send it to your parents.

  3. Not taking your spouse and her anger seriously will do wonders to your relationship, yes.

  4. You can find more great hints about psychological terror, brainwashing, and general surefire tactics for keeping your bottom bitch in line from the classic *Pimp: The Story of My Life* by Iceberg Slim. You won’t guess how to best follow up on a savage beating with a wire coat hanger! (Hint: It involves saying *Gomenasai*!)

  5. Wow what a great idea. Even better than saying “calm down you are overreacting. “

  6. I have a single mom J-friend who’s father of her daughter did that when she went off on him for not taking care of her daughter when they were married. He tried to use it as evidence that she was crazy when it was proof he wasn’t pulling his weight.

    Long story short, his ass went back to Aussie-land and occasionally sends threatening letters from his lawyer friend thinking it’ll get his daughter back…. Yeah good luck with that.

  7. Sometimes a girls gotta ask herself, is it really worth having a cute Hafu baby, if you have to be married to this total wanker.

  8. Or, you know, maybe take some parental responsibility and gently steer your partner away while you deal with the situation yourself?

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