Made a skit depicting a common teaching situation I have. Any similar situations for you?

Made a skit depicting a common teaching situation I have. Any similar situations for you?

  1. How common is common, though?

    I had one where, after having explained what puppy is, I wound back to the subject, pointed at a picture and asked them, “What is it?”


    Me: … Wait, what?

    “Coin, sensei!”

    It took a bit to work out that I had explained puppy in Japanese is こいぬ and, well, most of the kids know the word coin… I apologized to them and we agreed that a puppy was called puppy in English.

  2. Well, at least you got some reaction from them. Half the time mine just stare glassy-eyed, reactionless, and I don’t know if they understand or don’t, or just didn’t think it was funny or are sleepy or what.

  3. My worst one was teaching family members. I got to aunt and *uncle.* My students started laughing, Unko, Unko

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