It’s Thursday and I’m mad hungover. Let’s talk about cool hangovers in japon

Okay, so just woke up.
Yesterday… went out for a beer, woke up today, mysteriously hungover and with no recollection of how I got home.
What is your favorite hungover story?

My personal favorite one was when I woke up, just like today, thinking everything was fine. Flashforward 3-4 hours to when a crazy mad girlfriend walks in the bedrooM, throws a bottle in my face and says she wants to break up. I am, of course, unwise as to why she (at least an 8.5, no idea why she dated my ugly ass. I’m a 4 on a good day) would want to break up with my average looking face on this day. TURNS OUT! I had went to roppongi and to “the mist” (aka greenland, if anyone remembers, you got my respects) gotten so drunk that I actually got thrown out ( I mean thrown) and landed with my tailbone on the curb. Now, as a drunk gaijin, accepting being thrown out just isnt an option. I had a great idea! Not only would I create equality for all the foreigners in Japan, I would also make it more equal for everyone. Ima Good Samaritan for sure!

I went to the big police station to file an official complaint against the club and bouncer for its very rude behavior…

let me tell you this, they’re not interested. I ended up with having to leave my fingerprints, being in an interrogation room that looked like the inside of a freezer. Cold white walls with an old wooden table in the middle. With an interpreter on the phone (I swear it was like one of those British criminal dramas) asking me questions about why I was in Japan and why I was at the police station and if I knew why my friend was arrested. MY FRIEND WAS ARRESTED???
Now! Turns out, my friend was arrested on the same day for drug possesion or whatever at the same police station and had mentioned my name.
So I was, I don’t know, a suspect maybe?

So there Iwas, drunk as a monkey, with a ducked up tailbone in the middle of roppongi answering questions about my drugged up friend…

All I wanted was a beer…

  1. Panicked for a second there thinking I had gone to the wrong workplace. I’m supposed to be at a different school tomorrow!

  2. Woke up at 5 am in the park next to my Indian buddy on the bench. Joggers are going by scoffing at us. Look down at my feet and see my Japanese buddy still asleep, sprawled out on the concrete walkway in front of the bench with his hat over his face. He’s fine. We’re all fine. We make our way to the road and look around for taxis. Nothing. I pissed on the shrubbery of the NHK building.

    I don’t think I had a hangover though. 良く寝ました。

  3. > Not only would I create equality for all the foreigners in Japan, I would also make it more equal for everyone. Ima Good Samaritan for sure!

    From experience and imo, having drunk af people kicked out of the club is the good samaritan thing to do.

  4. I had just arrived as the not-yet husband of the person genuinely interested in Japan, with no knowledge of Japan.

    – I got a phone number,
    – I laughed at a squat toilet.
    – Made friends with some guys on the way to a live house set and we did some punk rock stuff they knew from America.
    – Was the last one standing in an all night karaoke session to catch the morning train
    – Peed on a koban box because I couldn’t find a bathroom earlier in the evening and chose a dark alley without understanding the signs.
    – Some equally drunk girl shared her beer with me to get away from two creepy dudes.

    Got back to Inaka and I though someone had split my head with an icepick and I was on a merry-go-round I couldn’t get off of.

    The craziest story happened in America, but this is the japon thread.

    But genuinely being a happy stupid accommodating drunk has always been my M.O. as someone who grew up in the alternative scene with a ton of freedom in the 2000s.

    I can’t get drunk anymore because honestly being older? Feeling sick after just isn’t worth it. Recreational use and the goofy stories that come with it are just life. If people want to read too deep into or feel uncomfortable by it, well, whatever dude.

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