Cherry blossom viewing locations in Tokyo

Hi I was wondering if anyone can share which locations in Tokyo has Sakura trees in full bloom already? I went two weeks ago but contrary to the forecast the trees weren’t in full bloom yet.

I was thinking of going to one of the following places or any other locations as long as they’re in full bloom there already.
1. Shinjuku gyoen
2. Ueno park
3. Yoyogi park
4. Meguro River

Thank you!

  1. I was in the Kinuta Park/Yoga area of Setagaya yesterday, and the sakura seemed to be at peak. I presume the peak will have passed by Thursday, though. Shinjuku Gyouen, however, does apparently have some late-blooming varieties. Just slightly north of that (Yoyogi/Shimokitazawa areas) seem to be finished.

  2. I thought it was already peak in Tokyo area. My area has barely started blooming.

  3. Shinjuku Gyoen was packed. The line to get in was like immigration at Narita. Don’t let you bring in booze either.

    Naka Meguro was looking good yesterday

  4. >I went two weeks ago but contrary to the forecast

    You probably misunderstood the forecast, all reputable forecasts said the flowers would start to open on March 14 (2 weeks ago), and be full bloom a week after on March 22nd.

    開花予想日 -> Flowers opening forecast

    満開予想日 -> Full bloom forecast

    It’s not over yet, and some areas may be later, so you should be able to see them if you go this weekend.

  5. They are already full bloom all over Tokyo. The more you wait after today they’re going to start falling down

  6. Jindaiji Botanical garden in Mitaka, though maybe a pain to get to as its not that near a train station.

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