Japanese Language school vs University Japanese course

Well, in summary, I’m 20 years old and I’ve been living in Japan for a few years, but I’m not fluent in Japanese (I’m far from it, I feel like I’m more or less at N3) .

I moved to Japan when I was around 15 years old, but I didn’t go to a Japanese school, but to a school that spoke my mother tongue (which is not English, but I have English as a second language).

Today, in my 20s, I intended to enter a Japanese language school and take about a year to one and a half of Japanese to get close to fluency, dedicating a good part of my time just studying (currently I’ve only been working and studying a little and I really would like to become fluent in Japanese as soon as possible, would help a lot being fluent or be able to pass the N1).

And I’m in doubt between a university that has a Japanese course or a Japanese language school. Does anyone know the difference between the two? Is one better than the other?

1 comment
  1. A language school would be better for your purposes. There is a lot more class time and more resources at your avail. I would avoid university courses unless you are specifically working towards a degree using those credits at some point.

    When I was in your shoes, I figured that an advantage of attending a university would be its appearance on a resume. I was wrong, and most employers seem impressed by the language school I attended.

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