I decided to set an ambitious goal to pass JLPTN5 this July. I am not formally studying Japanese and working through the textbook Genki 1 along with an onilne tutor.
For those who have experience of this exam, do you think this is too ambitious? I hope to have the textbook finished (with exercises) by July (doing 2-4 hours study per week)
I’d recommend other stuff besides Genki. An N5 vocabulary Anki deck, a kanji list if you need it, and maybe take a mock test or two beforehand. I always recommend the TRY! series for grammar explanations and a mock test at the end of the book
Yes, this is a pretty standard schedule. If you have time, peek at chapter 13 (in Genki 2). It has a couple important N5 points.
I’m almost literally on the same path as you! I’m at Chapter 8 Genki 1 and taking N5 in July. 一緒にがんばります!